Click a link below to download the Temps On Tap app. Dental offices and dental professionals in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, Thompson-Okanagan, BC, Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, AB and Toronto, On are welcome to join for free!
***Coming soon to Ottawa, ON and surrounding suburbs. Dental professionals in those areas are welcome to sign up. Office registration will begin soon***
Not in your area? Submit a location request on the home page.
*In downloading and creating an account with Temps On Tap, the user agrees to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and our rules and guidelines outlined in the FAQs in the "Support" section on the menu in the Temps On Tap app
Dental Offices:
1) Create a Client and Client Contact account
2) Activate your profile by adding the occupation of the Client Contact on their profile or by confirming the Client Contact's role at the office via email to info@tempsontap.com
Dental Professionals:
1) Complete the screening form in full including a form of identification and your resume
2) Complete your Temps On Tap profile​
Optional: Create a Stripe account for direct deposit after a shift. If you do create an account, please email info@tempsontap.com so your Stripe and Temps On Tap accounts can be linked to receive payments through the app
*All users must read the FAQs located in the "Support" section on your menu in the Temps On Tap app once accounts have been fully activated to review our rules and guidelines